A message from our Chief Executive Officer

“Success is No Accident”, famous soccer athlete, Pele who appeared to be born with plenty of natural talent, continues this quote by adding “It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying…and most of all, love of what you are doing.”
In our business, success is no accident. In our counselling and administration teams, dedication coupled with compassion and supported by outstanding skills leads the successful outcomes with our clients. The outcomes are a tribute to the combined effort of the counsellors and the client’s perseverance.
Our transportation services set the bar high; I am constantly approached by passengers, family and caregivers who talk about the courtesy of our drivers and the support that they receive with door-to-door service.
This sets up apart from any other transportation service in Prince Albert and we are proud of that fact.
Our third business line, our SARCAN depots, continue to pull in record breaking volumes of containers, paint, and electronics all the while receiving positive reports on depot cleanliness, friendly client service, and accuracy of the count of containers.
We endured and survived through the COVID restrictions, and I am proud to say that our successful outcome was again, no accident, but in fact a result of dedicated effort to observe and follow strict protocols. We had zero work-place related COVID incidents, and we continue to be vigilant even in the face of reduced restrictions.
Our organization has a culture that sets it apart from the crowd exemplifying concern and respect for our clients, collegial relationships, excellent board relations, trust with our funders, and our overall commitment to helping when and wherever we can.
There's a Margaret Mead quotation that appears in countless books, articles, blackboards, and posters. It goes like this: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has." That is the essence of our drive and talents, and I wish to acknowledge the support of the board and the achievements of our staff as demonstrated in this report.
In our business, success is no accident. In our counselling and administration teams, dedication coupled with compassion and supported by outstanding skills leads the successful outcomes with our clients. The outcomes are a tribute to the combined effort of the counsellors and the client’s perseverance.
Our transportation services set the bar high; I am constantly approached by passengers, family and caregivers who talk about the courtesy of our drivers and the support that they receive with door-to-door service.
This sets up apart from any other transportation service in Prince Albert and we are proud of that fact.
Our third business line, our SARCAN depots, continue to pull in record breaking volumes of containers, paint, and electronics all the while receiving positive reports on depot cleanliness, friendly client service, and accuracy of the count of containers.
We endured and survived through the COVID restrictions, and I am proud to say that our successful outcome was again, no accident, but in fact a result of dedicated effort to observe and follow strict protocols. We had zero work-place related COVID incidents, and we continue to be vigilant even in the face of reduced restrictions.
Our organization has a culture that sets it apart from the crowd exemplifying concern and respect for our clients, collegial relationships, excellent board relations, trust with our funders, and our overall commitment to helping when and wherever we can.
There's a Margaret Mead quotation that appears in countless books, articles, blackboards, and posters. It goes like this: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has." That is the essence of our drive and talents, and I wish to acknowledge the support of the board and the achievements of our staff as demonstrated in this report.
Wm. (Bill) Powalinsky
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Executive Officer