Some people want a part time job, or even two part time jobs because it fits their life choices the best. Some people want a full time job but will take a part time job to get a better chance at obtaining a full time job. Whatever your reasons, a part time job can be a great start to a new career.
Many employers want part time staff, especially if they are flexible with when they can work. Fall is often a good time to look for part time positions. With summer drawing to a close you will see retail businesses gearing up for back to school sales, Thanksgiving, Halloween, cold weather, and Christmas. That means a lot of work for stocking and unstocking merchandise and preparing for customer needs. Special events and holidays mean more family and staff socials and parties so restaurant and caterers are often looking for extra serving staff. Think about special events in the city too. If there are special tournaments and events hotels might be looking for part time staff to fill their gaps. Remember, as we get closer to winter every tire vendor will be looking for help changing tires over to winter tires. All of these places will be looking for staff. Often businesses use their part time staff as a training or even as a test for full time staff. If you get a part time job and never miss a shift, you might be the next full time hire. Think about it and get your resume and cover letters ready to drop off at retail, restaurants, hotels, tire vendors or other places that offer part time employment. If you need help give us a call at the Prince Albert Community Service Centre. We can help get you ready to find the employment you want. Robert - Vocational Counsellor.
Some of the best sources of information about the hidden job market are your friends and family. Ask them if they have heard about anybody who might be hiring staff. If they don't know of any, suggest that they ask their friends and family for leads. Just think if you have five friends and each of them have five friends you have twenty five people looking for job leads for you. Another good job finding practice is to make asking about job openings part of your conversation with everyone. When you go to the store ask the cashier if they know of any openings. Remember they might talk to hundreds of people each day they could have heard of something too.
There is a secret formula to asking for job information and it is all based on the belief that everyone wants to be helpful. Here is a sample conversation: You - " Hey, do you know of any job openings where you work or that you have heard of around the city?" Them - " No not right now" You - " Do you know anybody else who might know? Could you ask around for me?" Them - " I might know some people I'll ask them and get back to you." You - " Thanks I'll call you in a couple days to see if you have found anything" This is a sample conversation where you can get some friends and family helping you. If you ask five people who ask five people who ask five people you have 125 people looking for you. Chances are they will find you some good quality leads. Robert - Vocational Counsellor |
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June 2023